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Breaking Open the Ingenue  Trope



Project Nongenue centralizes the voices of women and other marginalized identities within productions of classical theater and mythology.










We aim to revitalize and reframe the role of vulnerable populations in some of our oldest stories by creating accessible theater imbued with the political and identity-based realities of our time. We want to break open the confines of the ingenue to see what is revealed, and what new we can build.



Core Values


We create theater for and by the Los Angeles community, and are committed to creating art which is relevant, accessible and mindful of the shared landscape in which we are producing. 


In a city saturated with media and entertainment, we commit to creating unique, high-quality performances, backed with training, research, focus and commitment. 


We aim to challenge the norms of our industry with representative and dynamic casting and creative teams. We seek to work with and celebrate the work of individuals across spectrums of race, gender, ability, orientation and size.


We are uncompromisingly committed to just and safe practices within our working environment, privileging ensembleship, communication and accountability throughout our creative process. As we create work which privileges marginalized stories, it is imperative we work in ways which empower and protect women, folks of color, and queer people. 


We believe the world can change based off our collective imagination. We strive to perform stories which explores justice, truth and community. We strive to make art which pushes us towards a better world.


"Let husbands know,
Their wives have sense like them. They see, and smell,
And have their palates both for sweet and sour,
As husbands have. "

 -Emilia, Othello, (4.3.97-115)

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